Instead of getting into detail on statistics and numbers and stuff like that, I just want to talk to you.
This Friday, May 14th, I will be 27 years old, and if you know me then you’ll know one important thing about this milestone: I wasn’t supposed to live this long!
Spina Bifida has wracked my body for 27 years and it has had it’s fair share of trying to take my out.
Well in 2017 I started writing my first book, an autobiographical account of my life thus far with Spina Bifida.
In March 2020, nearly 2 months before my 26th birthday, that book was published and shortly after I began another.
Writing has been a huge game changer in my life and I hope and pray I’m able to continue writing for another 27 years.
Writing has not stopped me from living my life, only allowed me to escape the reality of my situation for a little while.
When I’m in front of the computer, I don’t notice my wheelchair, my pain or my disability.
I’m free when I write, because my thoughts arent from a person in a wheelchair but a person with a story to tell. Like every single one of us that write.
So here’s some helpful advice: Keep your creativity flowing, your mind open to change and your heart receptive to whatever your brain is wanting to tell you.