There’s a certain fear that all authors have, it’s called “Fear Of Losing Brick And Mortar Stores” I have this fear too as a “baby author”, I have that fear that one day I’ll wake up and everything will be in digital format and that scares me because as an author I crave getting to connect with readers and getting to hear face to face how my work has spoken to them. Well as someone who has only been doing this for a little over a year (as of writing this blog post it’s been one year and 17 days) I love the feeling when I receive feedback on my work or especially when a reader sees me in public and makes an effort to come out of their way to talk to me, that makes me feel like I’m performing something worthwhile. You have to have a healthy amount of criticism in the work you do, especially if it goes from your computer to someone’s tablet in a second instead of going through the traditional printing process and being put onto the shelf at a bookstore where you can go and admire it in person. Here’s my questions to the authors that may be reading this: Do you prefer your work on paper or on a tablet on the table in a library? Let’s hear your answers in the comments section.
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“New Beginnings” Part Two; Time To Go! johnw
I am a 29 year old author with Spina Bifida and I am also a YouTuber, a budding home chef and an all-around warrior!
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