For those of you who read my blogs, then this will not be a surprise to you but to those of you reading this blog for the first time let me take a brief minute to introduce myself.

My name is John Wood, affectionately known as “AuthorOnWheels”. I was born with Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele or as I call it “Stretch Armstrong Disease”, I am 27 years and 6 months old and I am not supposed to be here typing this right now.

I was born 2 weeks premature with multiple medical conditions trying to take me out, but I did exactly what the title of my first book says, I “fought to survive” (stemming from my first title “A Fight To Survive”) and I managed to make it to the mark that doctors have countlessly said I wouldn’t make it to.

In March of 2020 I published my aforementioned book “A Fight To Survive”, subsequently since then I have published a religious devotional, a children’s book AND before that I wrote and published 5 cookbooks.

Since publishing “A Fight To Survive” last year I have gone through some of the most unimaginable pain for someone just clinging to life himself.

In January of 2020, 3 months before publication, I lost my driving force behind my writing, my mother Sue lost her battle with lung cancer and I found it hard to want to write again after losing her, but I stopped and thought “Mom wouldn’t want me to give up” so I pressed on.

Through countless sleepless nights, physical and emotional pain and much more, on March 9, 2020 I received the affirmation I had waited 2 years, 4 months and 4 days to hear: Mr. Wood, congratulations, we’re publishing you.

So henceforth I waited to see how far the book would reach and so far it has reached all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, the UK, Ireland, and many more places.

Well let’s fast forward almost 2 years and “A Fight To Survive” has a sequel title called “My Fight Continues” and I can safely say by Summer 2022, I will complete the book and it will be available online via and in paperback hopefully soon after.

About “A Fight To Survive”

“A Fight To Survive” chronicles the life I started on May 14, 1994 and chronicles up til 2018, detailing every heartache, celebration, sorrow and other emotions I had for the first 23 years of my life.

In 22 chapters I put into account numerous “behind the scenes” snippets of my life and stuff that I didn’t think people would want to hear about.

My thoughts when I first published the book were basically like this: “Wow, you wrote and published a book, what a big deal, buy a bottle of sparkling juice and celebrate”

Now as we approach the 2 year mark I am telling myself I am more than capable of publishing part 2 even if people don’t like it. Like I wrote in one of the chapters in book 1: “If you don’t like what I write, don’t buy my book, plain and simple”

The caveat to writing multiple books like this is that with each book my style evolves more and more to where you get even more glimpses of my writing style and you get a mini version of my every day life and existence.

But I’m not going to ramble on too much, I am just here to say that no matter what your obstacles, you can achieve them with hard work and perseverance.

With that being said, thank you for all the support.

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