“Sometimes you have to tell yourself it’s time for a new beginning, sometimes you move across the street, sometimes across town or even sometimes across the entire state”

In my case, I moved 50 feet from my old office to my brother’s old bedroom and set up shop. More freedom for activities, projects, live streams, and quiet for those “hunker down and work” days. Sometimes you get so caught up on how bad your current situation is that you lose track of important work that you could have gotten done 10x sooner if you just had the correct set up. In this week’s introduction to the “New Beginnings” series, I’m going to start by discussing the reasoning behind a change of scenery when it comes to the monotony of working the same thing every day and working in the same place every day. I’ve run out of space in my “current” office and I decided that my brother’s moving out of state would be the proper time to make my move so not even 4 hours after he left, I moved my laptop and a mobile charger into the office, turned on the “elevator desk” as I call it and started letting my creativity flow like water from a broken faucet. Our blogs, videos, live streams and other happenings from AuthorOnWheels will be so much more interactive with our new avenues and I am so excited to invite you all to experience them with us. Real quickly let me give you three main reasons in which a change might be necessary for YOU! 1: You’ve run out of space in your current place to do the activities, projects and reach goals that you set prior to relocating. 2: You get tired of the same four walls that you demand a relocation and then it’s all uphill from there. 3: Change may be scary but as a professional I crave change as it can make you a better professional.

In part 2 of our series on new beginnings we will go over the necessary steps to begin your relocation and then finally in part 3 I will give you a “virtual tour” of my new office.

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