Recently, I lost the patriarch of my family, my dad passed away and I’ve had very little time to process what happened.

It’s almost like I’m a piece of dust being swept into a dustpan and thrown to the wind to be swept away.
But that struck up a thought in my head and proposes a question; “What do you do with the grime in your life?” Do you let it set and stick or do you clean it up immediately? Sometimes we go through things and we let the pain settle in and eat away at us like a hungry alligator, but right now I feel like a piece of grime being left to stick and soak into whatever surface I am left on.

So are you the grime or are you the cleaner? That is your decision to make.

Video discussion soon on this topic.

2 thoughts on ““The Grime Of Grief”

  1. Michelle

    John you are an Awesome author and a
    great friend to me I am glad we met in the
    homebody Fellowship group

    1. John Wood

      Thank you Michelle for being a very avid

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