Recently I was asked this question: “If your book was turned into a movie, who would play your part in the movie? And I had to sit back and think: “Who knows my story, or who could I train to be me better than me? And then it hit me, Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham would be the PERFECT person to play me because he ticks off the three major criteria I look for.

1. He looks almost like me

2. He’s got Spina Bifida like me (If you don’t already know I have Spina Bifida)

3. He’s classically trained to undergo anything I’ve experienced in my life.

Now I’m not saying I haven’t totally accepted the idea of wanting to turn my life story into a movie yet BUT if I had a meeting with a movie producer, I’m sealing the deal right away and booking movie equipment.

The moral of this post is; don’t be too hasty to experience your life story on the big screen, you’ll never know what it looks like unless you dive in headfirst.

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